Continued Airworthiness

ARSA Members Featured at Regional Aerospace Event

In conjunction with the 2016 Southeastern Aerospace Supplier and Advanced Manufacturing Summit in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, executives representing ARSA members First Aviation Services, Piedmont Propulsion Systems, HAECO Americas and North…Read More

Bundle Pricing for “The Fourth Branch of Government” Sessions on Demand

Maintenance providers deal with numerous administrative agencies of the U.S. government. Above and beyond the typical oversight provided American businesses by the departments of Labor, Health, Commerce and others, repair…Read More

On Demand Training: Congressional Testimony

As the voice of the aviation maintenance industry, ARSA wears a path across Capitol Hill every day. While the association’s legislative team has a deep bench of contacts and long…Read More

GAO Again Misunderstands Foreign Repair Station Oversight

On July 28, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report reviewing the FAA’s oversight of foreign repair stations at the request of House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member…Read More

ARSA Honors Maguire as Her New Career Takes Flight

On March 18, ARSA presented its Leo Weston Award for Excellence in Government Service to Crystal Maguire. Maguire, the association’s long-serving vice president of operations, accepted the honor from Executive…Read More