You Can’t Fly Without Us

The World of Aviation Maintenance

“You Can’t Fly Without Us: The World of Aviation Maintenance” is a documentary produced by ARSA.  The film was developed as part of the Leading Edge video series, which is hosted by former football coach and sports broadcaster Jimmy Johnson and distributed to public television stations in all 50 states.

Filmed on location at ARSA member facilities, “You Can’t Fly Without Us” is a valuable tool to educate key audiences about repair stations. In the seven-minute video, industry experts including former National Transportation Safety Board Chairman Mark Rosenker, CAVOK Vice President Chris Doan, ARSA Executive Vice President Christian Klein, and others explain:

  • How contract maintenance makes airlines more efficient and competitive.
  • How industry and government have worked together to achieve a historic safety record.
  • The industry’s substantial economic footprint.
  • Career opportunities in aviation maintenance.
  • The importance of small businesses.
  • ARSA’s role as the industry’s voice.

ARSA wants to make sure the documentary is seen by as many viewers as possible.  We want the public, the media, and policymakers to understand aviation maintenance better.  And we want current and future workers to understand that ours is a growing, thriving industry with great job opportunities.

Right to Use the Documentary

ARSA grants a non-exclusive license to those who wish to use “You Can’t Fly Without Us” (“the work”) for the exclusive purpose of promoting the aviation maintenance industry, including the right to distribute copies of the work and to display the work publicly. ARSA reserves all remaining rights in the work.

Take Action – Publicity Checklist

Repair stations everywhere need to be involved in that education effort.  Check each item off the list and help spread the word and make sure the documentary has maximum impact:

√ Forward the video link to friends and colleagues (inside and outside the maintenance industry) and encourage them to watch it.
√ Link to the video or embed it on your company’s website.
√ Organize a lunchtime viewing party at your company.
√ Show the video to government officials, customers, suppliers, school groups and others who visit your facility.
√ Encourage your human resources team to use the video as part of their recruitment efforts and to show it to new employees.
√ Use the video when speaking at career days at local schools or participating at job fairs.

Special Thanks to the Documentary Sponsors

HAECO Group (simple HAECO) fullcolour RGB


AVMRO Education Portal

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The Aeronautical Repair Station Association