Search Results “Aircraft Electronics Association”

FAA and EASA Publish MAG Change 9

On June 20, the FAA and EASA released change 9 to the Maintenance Annex Guidance associated with the bilateral agreement between the two civil aviation authorities. The compliance date for…Read More

ARSA Leads “Can do” Panel, EASA Shares SMS Compliance Date

From June 11-13, ARSA’s leadership team participated in the 2024 FAA-EASA International Aviation Safety Conference in Washington, DC. The annual event alternates between Cologne and the American capital city as…Read More

Hotline Highlight – Crawfish with Charlie

The hotline – ARSA’s premier member newsletter – contains news, editorial content, analysis and resources for the aviation maintenance community. All members should ensure they receive their edition the first…Read More

Further Clarifying Part 145 using “Current Data” Proposal

On May 1, ARSA and three other trade associations commented on the FAA’s notice of proposed rulemaking addressing “miscellaneous maintenance-related updates.” The NPRM would remove the requirement from § 145.109…Read More

FAA Expands SMS Applicability without Part 145 (for now)

On April 26, the FAA published to the Federal Register its new rule expanding Safety Management Systems (SMS) requirements to all operators of commuter and on-demand service and commercial air…Read More