2015 Legislative Day – ARSA Lands on Capitol Hill

On Mar. 18, ARSA members descended on Capitol Hill to engage legislators and discuss key issues for the aviation maintenance industry.

The day was jam-packed with over 30 congressional meetings where ARSA members encouraged Congress to expand due process protections for all FAA certificate holders by passing the Pilots Bill of Rights II (H.R. 1062, S. 571), demonstrated the need for swift passage of the FAA Reauthorization package later this year and requested assistance in developing the next generation of  aviation maintenance technicians.

After crisscrossing the Hill all morning, ARSA hosted a congressional briefing in the Rayburn House Office Building where Rep. Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.) unveiled ARSA’s documentary, You Can’t Fly Without Us: The World of Aviation Maintenance.  Florida Lt. Governor Carlos Lopez-Cantera also addressed the crowd and his message: Florida welcomes the MRO industry and the state is ready to do what is necessary to bring more MRO jobs to the Sunshine State.

The briefing concluded with ARSA’s release of the 2015 Global Fleet and MRO Economic Assessment, prepared by CAVOK, a division of Oliver Wyman. David Marcontell, CAVOK’s vice president, presented an overview of the report’s findings, noting that the total worldwide market for commercial aviation maintenance activity will surpass $100 billion by 2025. On American soil, Marcontell noted that the industry employs nearly 300,000 men and women and generates more than $43 billion in economic activity, while producing more than $5 billion in federal corporate and individual income taxes.

This economic data provided ARSA members with a powerful tool to impress upon congressmen and senators the importance of the MRO industry and the effect legislative and regulatory action on their constituents.

Once again Legislative Day was a success and provided members a valuable opportunity to connect with their local representatives.

ARSA will continue to support its members by advocating for legislative action that is responsive the needs of the industry, and we are standing by to help you connect with your lawmakers.

If you were unable to join your fellow members on Capitol Hill, see all the ways you can get involved back at home by visiting

See our 2015 legislative priorities for more information.

For live updates, be sure to follow @ARSAWorks on Twitter.

For more information on the 2015 Annual Repair Symposium, please click here.

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