A Strong Offense is a Strong Defense: Enhancing ARSA’s PR Capabilities

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In its design and management of the PPC, ARSA has demonstrated that it has the capability to confront the onslaught of negative PR and manage the industry’s response. With additional resources, ARSA can do more. With your support, ARSA will:

  • Coordinate and institutionalize annual research to demonstrate the industry’s economic impact;
  • Regularize contact with industry media and general media reporters covering the aviation industry to encourage favorable coverage;
  • Monitor and more aggressively respond to media stories about maintenance;
  • Develop a media presence in local markets where the aviation maintenance industry has a significant economic footprint;
  • Prepare and distribute editorials and press releases sounding positive themes about the contract maintenance industry;
  • Improve ARSA member media relations by developing model PR procedures, a model media kit, and model crisis communications procedures;
  • Coordinate general media training for aviation industry leaders, including conducting media training sessions at ARSA Annual Symposium and developing a media relations brochure or handbook for industry executives;
  • Use new media to engage with key audiences;
  • Develop a paid media (advertising) strategy to support ARSA’s PR activities;
  • Manage and coordinate meetings of an ARSA Public Relations Committee, which will be made up of representatives of leading ARSA companies to:
    • Provide guidance on the association’s PR activities;
    • Identify, develop, and manage a cadre of industry spokespeople (possibly including PR Committee members); and
    • Coordinate industry crisis communications planning.

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Media Program Budget

The ARSA media program will cost $250,000 per year: The funds will be expended as follows:

  • $150,000 for an experienced, mid-level employee to serve as ARSA’s director of communications (includes all overhead costs and benefits), and
  • $100,000 in expenses, which will include:
    • Economic research ($50,000 per year),
    • Press release distribution,
    • Advertising,
    • Contracting with outside experts to support media training, etc.

Leading international maintenance companies are asked to commit $25,000 per year for at least three years in addition to regular membership dues to support the program .

Companies committing to the effort will be invited to participate on ARSA’s PR Committee allowing them to oversee the program and ensure that resources are being expended appropriately. If more than ten companies commit, the additional resources will be used for purposes approved by the PR committee to further enhance the industry PR activities.

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