Industry Pursues Clarity on Data Approval through AC Rewrite

On Feb. 8, ARSA led an alliance of aviation trade associations in commenting on the FAA’s draft Advisory Circular 43-210A, “Standardized Procedures for Requesting Field Approval of Data, Major Alterations and Repairs.” The submission requested Flight Standards withdraw its update of the AC and instead work with industry to clarify existing information and guidance on approving data for major repairs and alterations.

Based on information gathered during a meeting with Airlines for America’s Engineering, Maintenance and Materiel Council (EMMC) as well as ARSA’s Jan. 27 listening session, the comments listed areas needing clarity with regard to data approval. The group also called for the agency to reconcile the draft AC with guidance provided in ACs 120-77 and 43-18 as well as the U.S.-EU technical implementation procedures (TIP) and maintenance annex guidance (MAG).

ARSA committed to support this work by administering a series of online sessions to investigate issues with existing guidance and discuss potential resolutions directly with the agency. The association will schedule these meetings in coordination with its co-signatories: the Aerospace Industries Association, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association, Airlines for America, the Cargo Airline Association, the General Aviation Manufacturers Association, Helicopter Association International and the National Air Carrier Association.

ARSA will engage its members throughout the process to ensure the maintenance industry can provide useful input to the agency. Stay tuned for opportunities to get involved.

To read the full comments, click here.

For more insight on major/minor determinations, register for ARSA’s online training session Major Pain Over a Minor Issue on Feb. 24 at 11:00 a.m. Eastern.

Previously from ARSA...

ARSA Listened – Online Session on Data Collection & Approval

January 28, 2016

On Jan. 27, ARSA hosted a listening session for members to discuss draft Advisory Circular AC 43-210A, “Standardized Procedures for Requesting Field Approval of Data, Major Alterations and Repairs.” The draft AC was considered in context of other information on how to obtain approval of data under section 21.8(d).

During the session, ARSA’s regulatory team introduced and discussed information pertinent to issues with obtaining data approval for repairs and alteration. It also gathered information to support general comments on the draft AC and  help plan to address broader industry issues.

AC 43-210A Listening Session
Price: $25 for members ($50 for non-members)
Coupon code: ARSA members – from organizations listed in the member directory – must register using the coupon code “ARSAMEMBER” (entered on the checkout page).
On-Demand – Available Anytime
Click here to register and get access for 90 days.

While this is not a training session, it is provided – as ARSA training is – through Obadal, Filler, MacLeod & Klein, P.L.C., the firm that manages ARSA. To go directly to OFM&K’s online training portal, visit For more information about ARSA-specific training, please visit

FAA Publishes, Extends Comment Period for AC 43-210A

December 15, 2015

The FAA has published draft Advisory Circular (AC) 43-210A, “Standardized Procedures for Requesting Approval of Data for Major Repairs and Major Alterations.” ARSA worked in concert with Airlines for America to immediately request an extension to the original Jan. 7 comment deadline. Consequently, an additional 30 days should be announced in the very near future.

In the meantime, ARSA is coordinating a response to this advisory circular with its members and colleagues and will host online discussion sessions (stay tuned for schedule details) to gather information and comments for a comprehensive review of the guidance. The association notes immediately that the advisory circular references the field approval process which is not the only method by which data supporting major repairs and alterations can be approved and the work implemented.

Members are encouraged to perform an initial review of the advisory circular as well as the documents created by ARSA to address this issue so that work performed in 2008 is not lost during the agency’s attempt to outline an acceptable method of obtaining data approval and maintenance or alteration implementation.

AC 43-210A:

(1) Draft document:

(2) Draft document comment grid (downloads as Word document):


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