ARSA Engages Miami

On Sept. 14, ARSA Managing Director & General Counsel Marshall Filler addressed the Greater Miami Aviation Association (GMAA) on the need for active political engagement.

Filler briefed participants about ARSA’s efforts and shared ideas on how to increase GMAA’s political engagement and ways to improve cooperation between ARSA and GMAA.

“GMAA’s diverse membership has a broad economic impact,” Filler said. “It is important that Florida’s powerful lawmakers are shown the political clout and job creation potential that GMAA members bring to the table. This outreach will create a more favorable legislative and regulatory environment.”

In addition to delivering the keynote address at the GMAA meeting, Filler lead two ARSA training courses: 14 CFR part 43: The Maintenance Technician’s Blessing and Curse and International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business. GMAA and AAR Corp. sponsored the courses, which were held in AAR’s Miami training room.

Filler’s visit to Miami was part of the Association’s efforts to engage the MRO community. In July, ARSA Executive Vice President Christian Klein hosted an ARSA outreach meeting in Seattle, and the Association is planning an Oklahoma event for November.

~~~ posted 9/14/11 ~~~

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