ARSA Presents Industry Views at FAA Regional Manager’s Meeting

On Feb. 28, ARSA delivered a presentation, “Collaboration with the FAA from an industry perspective,” at the FAA regional managers meeting in Arlington, Va.

The event offered an opportunity for the Association to share industry concerns and to promote understanding between the regulators and regulated. ARSA’s Executive Director Sarah MacLeod and Vice President of Regulatory Affairs & Assistant General Counsel Craig Fabian represented the Association.

“Participation in an event such as this helps establish cooperative dialogue between the FAA and repair stations. Sharing industry concerns and hearing agency feedback helps the Association work more effectively with the FAA to improve harmony between rules and guidance, which ultimately promotes compliance and fosters cooperation,” said MacLeod.

MacLeod and Fabian discussed a variety of issues, stressing the need for greater standardization not only within the FAA, but from industry as well. They also highlighted the need for improved communication “stovepipes” within to reduce misunderstandings and duplicative action.

~~~ posted 4/6/12 ~~~

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