ARSA Recognizes Rep. Tom Petri and Former FAA Aircraft Maintenance Division Manager Carol E. Giles at 2012 Legislative Day & Symposium

ALEXANDRIA, Va. – The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) recently concluded its annual Legislative Day and Symposium where it recognized important contributions to the aviation maintenance industry from two individuals: Rep. Tom Petri (R-Wis.) and former Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) Aircraft Maintenance Division Manager Carol E Giles.

For his role in passing a new long-term FAA reauthorization bill, ARSA recognized House Aviation Subcommittee Chairman Tom Petri with its Legislative Leadership Award. Securing multiyear FAA reauthorization had been ARSA’s top legislative priority since the nation’s last aviation law expired in 2007. Under Chairman Petri’s leadership, Congress approved a final bill that respects a repair station’s ability to grow without imposing undue burdens.

House Aviation Subcommittee Republican Staff Director and Senior Counsel Holly Woodruff-Lyons accepted the award on Petri’s behalf at ARSA’s Legislative Day on March 14.

ARSA also presented former FAA Aircraft Maintenance Division Manager Carol E. Giles with the Association’s Leo Weston Award. Giles was the first female recipient of the award and has more than 32 years of aviation experience. While at the FAA she was a friend of the Association, helping to promulgate realistic regulation and ensure standard enforcement.

The Leo Weston award honors an instrumental figure in the birth of ARSA. First bestowed to Weston himself in 2005, the award honors individuals who embody Weston’s commitment to aviation safety and the success of the industry.


ARSA is an Alexandria, Virginia-based trade association that represents aviation maintenance and manufacturing companies. Founded in 1984, the association has a distinguished record of advocating for repair stations, providing regulatory compliance assistance to the industry, and representing repair stations on Capitol Hill and in the media

Jason Langford
Director of Communications
703 739 9543


~~~ posted 3/21/12 ~~~

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