ARSA Surveys Impact of TSA Inaction

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, January 22, 2013 – The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) has launched a new survey to measure the impact of the ban on new foreign repair station certificates.

Congress prohibited the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) from acting on foreign repair station certificate applications submitted after Aug. 3, 2008 because the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) had not finalized repair station security rules. The ban is an unprecedented example of punishing industry for a federal agency’s inaction. U.S. aviation companies are barred from tapping into rapidly expanding overseas markets, which is hindering job creation and growth at home.

“ARSA members are paying the price for bureaucratic foot-dragging and a poorly thought-out policy,” said ARSA Vice President of Legislative Affairs Daniel Fisher.

The latest ARSA survey is a follow up to one conducted in fall 2011. That survey found that the prohibition was hurting small to medium sized businesses in the United States, preventing growth and costing American companies millions of dollars in lost revenues. ARSA will share the data with policymakers as part of the Association’s ongoing lobbying campaign to lift the ban.

Note: This survey closed at 5:00 p.m. EST on Feb. 15, 2013.


ARSA is an Alexandria, Virginia-based trade association that represents aviation maintenance and manufacturing companies. Founded in 1984, the association has a distinguished record of advocating for repair stations, providing regulatory compliance assistance to the industry, and representing repair stations on Capitol Hill and in the media.

Jason Langford
Director of Communications
703 739 9543

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