ARSA News & Updates

Have I Complied Yet?

In a letter to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), ARSA requested clarification on what constitutes full compliance with an Airworthiness Directive (AD). The question arose from members that received an…Read More

Location of Aviation Maintenance Work May Vary, Quality Does Not

Washington, D.C., June 20, 2007 – Emphasizing the pivotal role of foreign repair stations in the aviation industry, the Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) testified today before the Senate Subcommittee…Read More

FAA Adopts ARSA’s Recommendations in New Order

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) released Order 8300.14, Repair Specification Approval Process, which defines the responsibilities of FAA personnel and designees in approving specifications for major repairs. Repair specifications are…Read More

FAA Issues HBAW On Oversight Of Contract Maintenance Sources

The FAA has distributed Flight Standards Handbook Bulletin for Airworthiness (HBAW) 06-05, “Air Carrier’s Outsource Maintenance Provider Oversight Responsibilities (Certificated Repair Stations/Noncertificated Facilities).” The bulletin (.pdf), aimed at FAA inspectors,…Read More

Court Delays FAA Drug/Alcohol Rule Compliance Date 10 Days; Will Examine ARSA Request For Nine-Month Extension

Alexandria, Virginia, October 5, 2006 — The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has issued an interim order that pushes the new FAA drug & alcohol…Read More