Did You Just Get an Oct. 5 Dispatch?

Due to a technical error on Nov. 3, many subscribers received a duplicate copy of Oct. 5’s Dispatch newsletter. The association’s communication’s team is aware of the issue and is working with our partners to limit its impact.

If you received a duplicate copy, you can go ahead and delete it…OR…you can look back on the world of aviation maintenance from a month ago. An awful lot was happening:

Take a look back and you’ll see that ARSA is always looking out for you.

Don’t get the Dispatch? You should; it’s a free resource available to all. Click here to subscribe.


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On July 19, the FAA Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) delivered the final report of its Repairman Certificate Portability Working Group to FAA Rulemaking Executive Director Brandon Roberts after its…Read More

Poring Over MAG Change 9

In June, the FAA and EASA published change 9 to the Maintenance Annex Guidance issued under the bilateral agreement between the two civil aviation authorities. As described in the summary…Read More

Quick Question – Human Factors Findings for Training Development

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