DOT Looks Forward to ARSA’s 60th Birthday

The United States Department of Transportation (DOT) is working to develop a detailed, 30-year plan to outline the future of the nation’s transportation network – a “system of systems.” Over the past several months, DOT policymakers have been hosting town hall meetings and webinars to stimulate discussion and gather feedback from industry members regarding not only the state and direction of the industry but also the agency’s role in its development.

“The resulting 30 year plan is envisioned to provoke a frank conversation among the users, developers, managers and public officials who will shape the network.  In short, this document aims to frame critical policy choices including the possible consequences of alternative approaches to those choices.   The 30 year plan will NOT prescribe specific actions or outcomes, nor will it advocate specific policy solutions.  Ultimately, the readers and those who follow us will be left to consider and plan the specific trajectory of our national policies to meet our future national transportation goals.”

For more information on the plan’s development, and a link to the most recent webinar presentation, visit If you have ideas, questions or concerns about transportation in 2044 – ARSA’s 60th year – contact the DOT Public Engagement Team at

Click the DOT Logo to learn more about the 30 Year Plan.

Click the DOT Logo to learn more about the 30 Year Plan.

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