FAA: Right Direction on EASA Data Acceptance
On June 12, 2014 the FAA issued Information for Operators (InFO) 14008.
The InFO was developed in response to a Feb. 19, 2014 ARSA letter highlighting misunderstandings surrounding U.S.-EU Safety Agreement Technical Implementation Procedures (TIP) provisions on mutual acceptance of repair data.
When a European-based approved maintenance organization (AMO) performs maintenance for a U.S. air carrier, an 8110-3 is often requested for data that is already approved under the agreement. ARSA’s request highlighted this redundant and unnecessary U.S. approval of EASA-approved technical data.
The InFO did not include ARSA’s suggested language making clear that any written communication (e.g., memoranda, e-mail, designee communications, etc.) from the agency regarding the approval of data is acceptable, not just formal letters.
While the InFO didn’t incorporate all of ARSA’s recommendations, it is an important step in the right direction. ARSA will continue to work with the FAA and EASA to ensure continued efficiencies are made amongst and between international regulated entities.
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