International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business

International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business helps you get up to speed on U.S. and international regulation. It covers contracts between certificate holders, suppliers, sub-tier vendors, service providers and operators, and identifies legal responsibilities at different levels of the design, production, operation and maintenance chain.

International components of this class include bilateral agreements, the Joint Aviation Authorities, the emerging European Aviation Safety Agency, the International Civil Aviation Organization and the National Aviation Authorities.

The course provides clear definitions for critical terms, and compares and contrasts pertinent Federal Aviation Regulations (FARs) with those of international agencies.

Get better equipped to work with international customers, partners and regulators with International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business.

International Law and Compliance for the Aviation Business Topics

Some Practical Applications of International Regulatory Law


Airworthiness: The Link in the Safety Chain
• The First Link: Design in the U.S.
• The First Link: Production in the U.S.
• The First Link: Undue Burden Considerations
• The Second Link: Operations in the U.S.
• The Third Link: Maintenance in the U.S.
– Alteration in the U.S.
– Technical Data vs. Methods, Techniques and Practices
– Maintenance in the EC
– Maintenance Everywhere

The International Component
• International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
• What Does ICAO Do?
• ICAO States: Assigning Regulatory Responsibilities
• Contracting State Obligations
• Annexes Based on Specific Activities Performed
• State of Design
– State of Design Obligations
• State of Manufacturer
– State of Manufacture Obligations
• State of Registry
– State of Registry Obligations
• State of the Operator
– State of the Operator Responsibilities
• International Aviation Safety Assessment (IASA) Program
• Conducting Operations in a Foreign Country
• Links in the International Safety Chain

Bilateral Agreements
• Aviation Bilaterals: Safety
• Validation
• What’s an Export?
• Aren’t We Special?
• FAA website Links
• Bilateral Agreements
– Some Important Advisory Circulars
– Some Important Orders

U.S. – EU Agreement
• EASA Acceptance of PMA Design Approvals
• TCs and STCs: Aircraft, Engines and Propellers

Repair Data Today
• Different Systems
• General: In Both Directions
• Alteration Data Today

U.S. – Canada
• U.S. – Transport Canada MIP
• Repair Station Manual Supplement
• 2003 Repair Data MOU
• Repair Data MOU

Doing Business in a Changing World

In the End

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