Only Days Remain to Honor Charlie Taylor at Smithsonian

ARSA urgently needs your help to raise just over $1,000 to enshrine the first aviation technician, Charlie Taylor, with a prominent spot on the “Wall of Honor” at the Smithsonian’s Steven F. Udvar-Hazy Center.

The campaign to honor Charlie is just shy of its fundraising goal, with the period for donations closing on July 31. Can you help put us raise $1,027 to put us over the edge?

Nearly forgotten by history, Charlie designed and built the first aircraft engine, and served as the Wright Brothers’ mechanic. Charlie worked with the Wright Brothers from 1901 – 1911, providing important guidance and skilled service in ushering humanity into the era of flight.

To ensure that Charlie is not again forgotten, ARSA has teamed up with the Aircraft Maintenance Technicians Association (AMTA) to help honor one of the aviation’s great heroes with the most prominent space on the wall. The Wright Brothers, whose achievements would not have been possible without Charlie’s help, are already on the wall, as are other notable names in aviation history including Amelia Earhart, Neil Armstrong, and Jim Lovell. Will you help honor Charlie with a donation today?

ARSA and the AMTA are asking for your help to raise $1,027 by July 31, 2012 to include Charlie among the wall’s patrons, the highest honor.

The campaign to honor Charlie has nearly reached its $10,000 goal, and only needs to raise an additional $1,027 dollars to ensure Charlie receives the highest honor.

ARSA is asking for your help to ensure that Charlie is given the highest possible honor. As our industry’s original unsung hero, let’s put Charlie in his proper place among aviation’s hero’s, for without Charlie’s ingenuity in building the first engine, that famous December flight at Kittyhawk would have never happened.

AMTA is collecting the donations for this important effort. No donation is too small (or large), so please make your donation today. What’s more, for every donation made in the coming days SNAP-ON Tools is providing a matching donation (up to a $600 total).

To demonstrate your support for Charlieclick here to go to the AMTA website. On the AMTA site click “craft and profession C.E.T. bust donation” and scroll down to the PayPal link. On the PayPal donation page, note “Wall of Honor” in the box marked “purpose.”

ARSA donated $500 to this endeavor, and the Association hopes you too will help honor Charlie. With your support, Charles E. Taylor will no longer be remembered as aviation’s original unsung hero, but rather as one of its greatest icons.

Let’s give Charlie the recognition he deserves!

~~~ posted 7/26/12 ~~~

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