Help Define Current Maintenance Workforce and Its Needs

In 2017, ARSA’s Global Fleet & MRO Market Assessment included vital projections regarding the maintenance technician workforce supply issues. The analysis by Oliver Wyman, which indicated AMT demand would exceed supply by 2022 and fall nine percent short by 2027, provided the association, its allies and members with a key talking point in the effort to attract attention to the issue. That effort resulted in the successful industry-wide campaign to get Congress to authorize a workforce grant program.

The workforce crisis is already reality for those maintenance providers already struggling to find and retain technical talent. Given the continued, pressing need for attention, Oliver Wyman is working to refresh its analysis by expanding the the reach of its data assessment and is calling on the maintenance community for assistance by providing current employee demographic information.

Here’s how to help:

(1) Download a copy of Oliver Wyman’s data collection spreadsheet by clicking here (Excel file will download from your browser).

(2) Complete the spreadsheet’s applicable data tabs to the extent possible, consistent with your company policies. Companies with large populations can shorten entries by grouping employees with nearly identical demographics and indicating how many people are covered in the line.

(3) Send all questions, responses and completed files as attachment to with a CC to

Oliver Wyman has set an Oct. 31 deadline for data submission.

For more information and resources illustrating the maintenance industry and its needs, visit ARSA’s Data & Advocacy page.

Previous outreach from Oliver Wyman...

1/30/18 - Serving Through Survey Responses – Oliver Wyman and ARSA

January 30, 2018

Oliver Wyman’s annual MRO survey’s response deadline has been extended. The global consulting firm has surveyed members of the maintenance, manufacturing, airline and aviation finance communities for more than a decade.  Through its partnership with ARSA – which produces the association’s annual market assessment – the survey team is inviting repair stations to participate.

The survey is open for responses until Feb. 12. Use the link below to access it and submit your response today.

Responding to Oliver Wyman’s questionnaire is the perfect warmup for ARSA’s Annual Member Survey – the first invitation will be delivered to the inboxes of all primary contacts during the week of Feb 11.

The entire aviation community, including ARSA and its members, benefits from good data. The time taken to respond is an investment that moves the industry forward:

(1) To access Oliver Wyman’s MRO Survey and submit your response, visit: Direct any questions to the research team at

(2) Ensure the invitation for ARSA’s member survey will make it to your primary contact and that it gets the attention it deserves. (If you don’t know who the primary contact is, we can help.) Help your company submit its response. Direct any questions to

The 2018 Global Fleet & MRO Market Assessment, prepared by Oliver Wyman, will be unveiled in March during ARSA’s Executive to Executive Briefings, Legislative Day & Annual Repair Symposium. Click here to register now.

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