Part 21 Changes

Effective April 14, 2010, the FAA rules regarding the certification procedures and identification requirements for aeronautical products and articles will change. Sections of parts 1; 21; 43; and 45 are amended. In the preamble to the final rule (Published in the Federal Register: 74 FR 53368, October 16, 2009 the FAA’s stated aim is to update and standardize requirements for production approval holders, revise export airworthiness approval requirements to facilitate global manufacturing, move all part marking requirements from part 21 to part 45 and amend the identification requirements for products and articles. The FAA claims the changes will better reflect the current global aircraft and aircraft products and articles manufacturing environment.

The compliance date for the changes to part 1; subparts H, I, L, and N to part 21; and subpart B to part 45 is April 14, 2010. The date for compliance with all other changes in the final rule is April 16, 2011 (18 months after Federal Register publication).

The FAA has issued related guidance designed to provide information on the rule changes: AC 21-42 for part 21 transition; AC 21-43 for production under subpart F, G, K and O to part 21; AC 21-44 for export airworthiness approval; and AC 45-2D for marking requirements.

***Note: Don’t get caught with the wrong address – the FAA’s Regulatory and Guidance library is currently accessible through two URL addresses right now, but that will soon change. The correct address should start with plus the link to any particular document.

You may have at the beginning of your links – be sure to change them before the FAA discontinues the “airweb” connection!

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