Screening Room – Finding Space for Progress

ARSA works every day to help remind the world of a simple fact: You can’t fly without us. The dedicated effort of the men and women chronicled in the association’s seven-minute public television documentary serve as a powerful reminder that aviation safety depends on mechanics and technicians around the world.

In the quest to spread the good word about aviation, aircraft maintenance, technical skill development and the spirit of exploration that first helped us take flight, the association often highlights interesting or inspiring films. This installment aims a little higher than our typical flight path:

For more information about the film, visit

What else are we watching?

living-in-the-age-of-airplanes-posterLiving in the Age of Airplanes

Filmed in 18 countries across all 7 continents, “Living in the Age of Airplanes” explores the countless ways aviation affects our lives. In a cinematically beautiful trip around the world, narrated by pilot and aviation enthusiast Harrison Ford, the film reconnects viewers to the miracle of flight by illustrating society’s reliance on it.


220px-onesixright_poster_mediumOne Six Right

The documentary “One Six Right” celebrates the unsung hero of aviation — the local airport — by tracing the life, history, and struggles of an airport icon: Southern California’s Van Nuys Airport. A visual and musical ode to general aviation, the film dispels common misconceptions and opposes criticism of municipal airports and shares the romance of flying.


You Can’t Fly Without Us

Of course, once your guests are bursting with aviation enthusiasm, make sure they remember that without good mechanics, nobody takes off.

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