Industry Gives FAA a Commercial Parts Solution

To see all of ARSA’s work on the MAG, visit On Aug. 8, ARSA and its allies provided the FAA a method to address international issues created by the regulatory…Read More

ARSA Joins Effort to Extend “Critical Alternative” to MAG Mess

To see all of ARSA’s work on the MAG, visit On Aug. 2, ARSA joined 12 other industry groups on a petition to the FAA seeking extension or reissue of…Read More

ARSA, Industry Partners Help FAA Reconstruct Recordkeeping Guidance

On June 12, an ARSA-led coalition of ten industry partners submitted a complete rewrite of the agency’s proposed Advisory Circular 43-ARTS, “Use of FAA Form 8130-3 for Approval to Return…Read More

ARSA, Industry Partners Help FAA Reconstruct Recordkeeping Guidance

On June 12, an ARSA-led coalition of ten industry partners submitted a complete rewrite of the agency’s proposed Advisory Circular 43-ARTS, “Use of FAA Form 8130-3 for Approval to Return…Read More

FAA, Asia-Pacific Partners to Host Annual Industry Day

Each year the FAA’s Aircraft Certification Service (AIR) and the Civil Aviation Authorities in the Asia Pacific Region (APAC) gather to discuss the status of bilateral relationships with the United…Read More