EU Seeks Input on Chlorinated Paraffins
The European Chemicals Agency (ECA) is seeking information from maintenance providers on the use of and alternatives to medium-chain chlorinated paraffins (MCCP) in metalworking applications. ARSA encourages impacted member organizations to assist.
The ECA is the EU agency responsible for implementing European chemicals legislation related to human health and the environment. The purpose of the study is to gather relevant information for a potential restriction proposal for MCCP under the REACH Regulation.
In the context of the study, MCCP are chlorinated paraffins with a carbon chain length between C14 and C17 (aka C14-C17 congeners). The scope of the investigation covers any substances or mixtures that would contain C14-C17 congeners.
To Assist
(1) Click here to download a questionnaire (Microsoft Word format) for MCCP downstream users.
(2) Return the completed questionnaire to Indicate if you would like your response to be treated as confidential (only anonymous, summary data will be presented).
The deadline for comment submission is Friday, Jan. 21.
More Information
(1) Click here to review a ECA letter confirming its collaboration with WCA Environmental Ltd (the contract firm performing the study).
(2) Submit questions or comments about the study to