Parts 121 and 145: ATOS Guidance on the Air Carrier/Maintenance Provider Relationship

HBAW 05-07A, Enhanced Repair Station & Air Carrier Oversight Program

The FAA recently released updates to a series of Handbook Bulletins containing the framework for applying a new risk-based oversight system to the maintenance provider/air carrier relationship. HBAW 05-07A includes numerous attachments which make extensive changes to Order 8300.10, the Airworthiness Inspector’s Handbook.

This system will allow for ongoing assessment of repair stations and air carriers through enhanced oversight of those contract maintenance providers deemed to be “high risk.”

In addition, information on the newly revised Program Tracking and Reporting Subsystem (PTRS) activity codes is included. Each operator and agency will be required to make the new program part of their respective manual system.

These following bulletins are part of the new risk-based oversight program for contract maintenance providers as set out in HBAW 05-07.

HBAW 05-08B: Team Focused In-Depth Inspection of a Part 145 Repair Station

This bulletin provides guidance and directions for completing a team focused, in-depth inspection of a Part 145 certificated domestic repair station. (9/30/05)

Click here for HBAW 05-08B.

HBAW 05-09B: Conduct a Detailed Air Carrier In-Process/Task, Inspection/Team Event of a Substantial Maintenance Provider

This bulletin provides information and guidance to the Regional Flight Standards Divisions and to Part 121 air carrier teams responsible for conducting detailed in process/task inspection. (9/30/05)

Click here for HBAW 05-09B.

Order 8300.10 Chapter 132

Chapter 132 – Performance/Evaluation/Inspection And Assessment Of A Part 121 Air Carrier’s Outsource Maintenance System was issued to provide guidance in the performance evaluation/inspection and assessment of the air carrier’s contracted maintenance program/system.

Click here for Chapter 132.

ARSA is taking an in-depth look at this new program to determine its impact on ARSA members and their customers. Keep watching the ARSA website for further details.

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