Helping with Healing: ARSA Honors Scovel

Calvin Scovel, III. Photo courtesy U.S. DOT IG.

On March 13, ARSA recognized former Department of Transportation (DOT) Inspector General (IG) Calvin L. Scovel, III with its 2020 Leo Weston Award for Excellence in Service to Aviation Safety.

Scovel served as the department’s chief internal auditor and investigator since 2006, making him the longest tenured IG in the DOT’s history. He arrived in the position upon completion of a 29- year career in the U.S. Marine Corps. During his active service, Brig. Gen Scovel performed a number of high-level legal and advisory roles, with his last assignment as senior judge on the U.S. Navy-Marine Corps Court of Criminal Appeals. A review of his career path and the accolades and achievements along the way reveal that his ability to negotiate the hot winds of the executive branch, Congress and the media for thirteen years was based upon hard work, knowledge and fairness.

During Scovel’s tenure as inspector general, ARSA enjoyed a professional and productive relationship with the IG’s office. The association regularly provided insight, resources and industry connections for the office’s research teams and included its personnel in annual events. Most recently, Scovel provided the keynote address at ARSA’s 2018 Annual Conference. When he announced his retirement from federal service to focus on his family and battle prostate cancer, ARSA’s leadership team chose to honor its collaboration with him with the association’s highest award.

First bestowed in 2005 on Leo Weston, the Weston award honors individuals who embody his commitment to the industry. Weston was influential in ARSA’s birth, advocating as an FAA official for the creation of an organization to represent the interests of maintenance providers. Since then – across a long career of professional and personal dedication to public good – Weston has been a great inspiration for the association and its members. In his honor, ARSA regularly recognizes individuals who have made a lasting impact in furthering the principles of good government.

“I’ve said before that Cal and I – he insisted, ‘call me Cal’ though he certainly could’ve demanded a more grandiose address – share a sense of humor,” said ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod. “It’s true that we did, mostly surrounding the ironies of the executive branch auditing itself, but we also shared a commitment to finding the facts and making good on them. His work was the very definition of good government and I’m glad to honor it today.”

Scovel’s selection as the Weston Award recipient was announced during the third day of ARSA’s 2020 Annual Conference. Though he was unable to attend, he shared a statement presented by MacLeod. In it, he expressed gratitude to the association and its members, describing their important place at the intersection of “safety and efficiency” in service of the global public.

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