Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL)

It has come to the Association’s attention that compliance with Airworthiness Directives (ADs) resulting from SFAR-88 review and assignment of Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCLs) is creating havoc in the industry.

Generally, the ADs require strict adherence to the component maintenance manuals listed in the AD referenced documents after Dec. 18, 2008. Don’t be fooled into believing that you are not impacted because the AD doesn’t mention fuel system components. The AD references a type certificate (TC) holder document which contains new airworthiness limitations; those new airworthiness limitation sections reference a particular component maintenance manual by number and revision level.

Any person that is performing maintenance that deviates from the component maintenance manual should contact the person listed in the AD for an Alternative Means of Compliance. The method of applying for and obtaining an AMOC may be found here.

The Association has been working with the Air Transport Association, FAA headquarters and the Seattle Aircraft Certification Office (SACO) to provide clarity and guidance regarding the SFAR-88 directed ADs. To that end, the following information may be helpful:

• This AMOC sets forth a list of Component Maintenance Manuals that are subject to various Airworthiness Directives. These manuals are listed in various CDCCL documents which makes them part of Airworthiness Limitations. Please review the AMOC very carefully since it addresses approved revisions to various manuals that may be different than the list submitted by Boeing.

• This letter was issued to Boeing by the SACO to clarify the use of component maintenance manual revision levels and the use of equivalent equipment, tools and materials. The letter must be read carefully to ensure proper compliance with the applicable ADs.

• InFO 09003Critical Design Configuration Control Limitations (CDCCL), is for all air carriers and maintenance providers; it contains information about CDCCLs mandated by Airworthiness Directive (AD).

• This Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) explains how 14 CFR 91.403(c) of and other operational requirements apply to fuel tank system components that are subject to certain airworthiness directives (ADs).

These nine global Alternative Means of Compliance (AMOC) issued to Boeing regard specific ADs; the AMOCs may be used with respect to the specific information that each contains. When referencing the means of compliance to the particular AD, be sure to include the AMOC by its reference number and date (if it has one). The AMOCs are to the following ADs:

AD# 2008-04-10

AD# 2008-04-11

AD# 2008-10-06

AD# 2008-10-07

AD# 2008-10-09

AD# 2008-10-10

AD# 2008-10-11

AD# 2008-11-01

AD# 2008-11-13