Final Documents / Your Two Cents
By accessing the link below you will find a complete list of items the Association has noted as important to aviation design, production and maintenance activities since January 1, 2012.
“Final Documents”:
This list includes Federal Register (FR) publications such as final rules, Advisory Circulars (ACs), policy statements and related material of interest to ARSA members. For proposals opened for public comment, see Your Two Cents. The date shown is the date of FR publication or other official release.
“Your Two Cents”:
This is your chance to provide input on rules and policies that will affect you. Agencies must provide the public notice and an opportunity for comment before their rules or policies change. Your input matters. Comments should be received before the indicated due date; however, agencies often consider comments they receive before drafting of the final document begins.
“Final Documents” and “Your Two Cents” for 2013 are available here.
“Final Documents” and “Your Two Cents” for 2012 may be accessed by clicking here.