
FAA Agrees: Line Maintenance can be Major

In a quick turnaround, the Aircraft Maintenance Division responded within two days to ARSA’s question about airframe-rated repair stations with line maintenance authorization performing major repairs and alterations. The agency…Read More

FAA Answers ARSA, A4A on Alternative MTP

On June 13, ARSA joined Airlines for America (A4A) to ask for clarification regarding the use of methods, techniques or practices (MTP) developed by air carriers and maintenance providers. The…Read More

FAA Response: Parts Identification Guidance

In a June 19 letter, the FAA addressed ARSA’s request for guidance regarding the identification that should be referenced in maintenance records when more than one production approval holder number…Read More

ARSA Demands Further FAA Scrutiny of Housing Requirements

On May 19, 2014, ARSA received a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) response to the letter jointly submitted by ARSA and AJETON, Inc. under the agency’s Consistency and Standardization Initiative (CSI).…Read More

ARSA Works: How We Stand

ARSA has a proven track record of standing up and zealously searching for the right answers—be that from the government or from industry. Unfortunately, it’s easy to misinterpret our engagement…Read More