ARSA: Industry Waiting Too Long for Security Rule Clarification
June 13, 2014 | Categories:
ARSA News & Updates, ARSA Works, Aviation Policy, Legislative, Operations, Regulatory, Rulemaking
ARSA’s engagement with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) concerning the repair station security rules continued as the association pushed the agency for an answer to a previous inquiry and long-promised…Read More
House to Consider Legislation to Permanently Increase Sec. 179 Levels
Later this week, the House is expected to vote on the America’s Small Business Tax Relief Act (H.R. 4457), which permanently increases Sec. 179 expensing levels. Under current law, beginning…Read MoreARSA’s Security Rule Engagement Continues
While Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) part 145-certificated entities have complied with the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) final repair station security rule for over three months, ARSA remains engaged as the…Read MoreARSA Demands Further FAA Scrutiny of Housing Requirements
May 22, 2014 | Categories:
ARSA News & Updates, ARSA Works, FAA, Maintenance, Operations, Regulatory
On May 19, 2014, ARSA received a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) response to the letter jointly submitted by ARSA and AJETON, Inc. under the agency’s Consistency and Standardization Initiative (CSI).…Read More