ARSA Online Training – Congressional Testimony

Congressional Testimony – The When, Why and How Description: This session provides an overview of the reasons why private individuals would want to testify before congressional committees and how to take advantage of opportunities to do so. Date & Time: August 10 at 11:00 a.m. EDT Instructors: Christian A. Klein & Daniel B. Fisher Click here to register.

ARSA Online Training: Listening Session & Reg Update on MAG Parts Documentation Requirements

Listening Session & Regulatory Update - The U.S.-EU MAG's Parts Documentation Requirements Description: Join ARSA’s regulatory team and other members for a compliance update and discussion of the parts documentation requirements created by changes 5 and 6 to the U.S.-EU Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG). Date & Time: August 17 at 11:00 a.m. EDT Session Lead: Marshall S. Filler Special […]

ARSA Online Training: Administrative Agencies—The FAA & NTSB

Administrative Agencies—The FAA & NTSB Description: This course will review the creation and powers of the two agencies most prominent in civil aviation – the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and the National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB). Date & Time: August 24 at 11:00 a.m. EDT Instructor: Sarah MacLeod Click here to register.

ARSA Online Training: Going Global – Bilateral Agreements

Going Global - Bilateral Agreements Description: International markets mean expanded business opportunities that require an understanding of international regulatory requirements. This session focuses on bilateral airworthiness agreements (BAA) and bilateral aviation safety agreements (BASA). Topics include the purpose and scope of these agreements, the process required to obtain a BASA and how BASAs are structured. The […]

Free Webinar: ITAR and Export Controls for Aeronautical Repair Station Operators

Special Event: ITAR and Export Controls for Aeronautical Repair Station Operators A Free Webinar Provided by Williams Mullen Description:  An overview of export controls with specific application and examples for parties dealing with aircraft parts, aviation technical services and repairs for commercial and military aircraft. Date & Time: September 8 at 12:00 at 1:00 p.m. […]