Quick Question Portal

This page provides access to ARSA’s series of “quick questions.” These short surveys allow the association to gather timely intelligence from the industry, help gather and share information about issues that matter to the maintenance community and prepare for upcoming events and activities.

Recently run quick questions can be reviewed on this page; click here to search the website for them all. Many are still open for input and would benefit from your insight.

Wait & See – The Name Game

Thank you to those who helped with the most pressing element of ARSA’s establishing a complementary 501(c)(3) charitable organization to support aerospace maintenance career development. The new organization will provide a means…Read More

Quick Question – Inventory Costs for EASA Compliance

Since the FAA withdrew its of acceptance of ARSA’s E100 form in 2022, ARSA has been engaged with American and European regulators trying to address major misunderstandings related to parts…Read More

Relatively Quick Question – Conference Feedback

As it continues to share its gratitude to all who made the 2024 Annual Conference an incredible success, ARSA asks all who attended to provide feedback about the event. Participant…Read More

Quick Question – Foreign Drug and Alcohol Testing

The FAA has followed a congressional mandate to issue a proposed rule requiring safety sensitive employees in foreign repair stations to be tested for drug and alcohol use under the…Read More

Quick Question – Age Yourself (and Your People)

The “aging” maintenance workforce is a regular talking point. As current technicians reach their fifth and sixth decades, finding and preparing people to replace those “master mechanics” is an essential…Read More