Repair Station

IRS Proposes Significant Restrictions to Estate Tax Discounting Rules

On Aug. 4, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) issued a notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) restricting the discounting of shareholder stock in family-owned operations for the purpose determining federal estate…Read More

GAO Again Misunderstands Foreign Repair Station Oversight

On July 28, the Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a report reviewing the FAA’s oversight of foreign repair stations at the request of House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee Ranking Member…Read More

ARSA’s Filler Highlights Need for Risk-Based Oversight at Asia-Pacific Conference

On July 19, regulators and industry stakeholders touched down in Washington D.C. for the FAA’s second annual Asia-Pacific Flight Standards Conference. Marshall Filler, ARSA’s Managing Director and General Counsel, joined…Read More

On Demand Training – Election Law Basics

Lead by Christian A. Klein, this session provides business leaders with a basic understanding of federal election laws and regulations. Klein reviews permissible sources of campaign funds, contribution limits, company…Read More

ARSA Asks FAA to Release Association’s Working Away Advisory

On May 23, ARSA requested the FAA issue an advisory circular on the ability of a repair station to work away from its fixed location. To assist in this effort,…Read More