ARSA Requests Guidance on Multiple Part Identification

In an Oct. 19, 2011 letter, ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod raised member concerns about the identification that should be referenced in maintenance records when more than one number is applied to a part at production.

The letter outlined issues multiple part identifications create for repair stations. Most often, inspectors question whether the certificate holder is following its own procedure, holds appropriate ratings and has proper maintenance data when its capability list (CL) contains part numbers rather than manufacturer make and model (i.e., the CL does not include all potential part numbers for a particular article). Problems also arise when customers do not include “dual” part numbers on commercial and regulatory documentation.

ARSA recommended that the FAA issue guidance in the next revision to Order 8130.21, or, alternatively, update Advisory Circular 43-9 to reflect current practices relating to maintenance records issued by persons authorized to approve work for return to service under § 43.3. ARSA will continue to work with FAA officials to resolve the issue.

~~~ posted 11/8/11 ~~~

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