Minutes to Midnight – FAA Reauthorization Countdown
On March 30, President Obama signed a short-term measure extending the FAA’s current authorization through July 15. This is the second extension of the current law so far – 23 were needed before enactment of the FAA Modernization and Reform Act in 2012. Though a controversial proposal to privatize the air traffic control system has dominated attention so far, there is plenty on the table for repair stations to focus on.
Help the association put the pressure on Congress to reauthorize the FAA and provide the maintenance industry with the freedom it needs to keep the world in flight.
Visit the association’s issue page for more information on the reauthorization process and keep up-to-date on the latest developments at arsa.org/faa-reauthorization.
Don’t sit back and watch the clock run out. Learn about all the ways you can get involved and help your lawmakers support aviation maintenance at arsa.org/legislative/get-involved.