Recognition for Your Company and Industry

Get the Recognition Your Company – and Industry – Deserve:
Support ARSA’s Leading Edge Public Television Documentary Project.

ARSA announces an exciting opportunity for members to help publicize the positive impact of our industry. The association has contracted with Leading Edge ( to produce a series of videos about aviation maintenance.

Including a 6-minute documentary hosted by former Dallas Cowboys Head Coach and sports broadcaster Jimmy Johnson, the series will provide insight about the broad impact of MRO on the economies, industries, and peoples of the world. The series will reach an influential and well-informed audience through distribution to public television stations in all 50 states as well as in short ads on networks like MSNBC, CNN, and CNBC.

In addition to running on broadcast and cable television, the videos will be distributed online and made available for ARSA and member use. Altogether, these resources will become important tools to educate the media, lawmakers, voters, and current and prospective workers  about the industry’s economic and safety contributions to world markets.

You can join us in this effort by sponsoring the project. Not only will you be helping us to provide valuable knowledge to a broad constituency, you will be a part of the work. A $7,500 contribution will provide your company recognition as a supporter during the documentary and profile credits as well as in ARSA project marketing materials and at film screenings.

To become a sponsor, complete the information below and submit the following form. You will be invoiced for your contribution.

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