Happy Fourth of July: Prepare for the Fireworks

America’s Independence Day is a reminder the United States was born on the foundation of political activism. Today – 239 years since that fateful fourth day of July – it’s more important than ever that your voice be heard on significant policy issues.

Although introduction of FAA reauthorization legislation has been delayed, the bill will contain fireworks. General and business aviation is prepared to lobby hard on issues related to “modernizing” the air traffic control system and user fees; we are positive the airlines and airports will be deeply involved in those and other aspects of the legislation.

While “big ticket” items get most of the attention, ARSA will focus on the aviation maintenance industry’s interests. It will oppose any “foreign repair station” prohibitions, unnecessary mandates on aviation maintenance companies and workers, and duplicative requirements on the alternative parts sector. The association is also actively seeking better due process protections for certificate holders and part 147 reform while working hard to restore the repair stations’ ability to voluntarily surrender their certificates.

What can you do? Understand what the fourth of July celebrates: civil rights and liberties in every aspect of our lives, including those pertaining to aviation safety. Your backing is essential to your company’s operational freedom and to ensuring the government doesn’t hinder economic growth and job creation.

As you enjoy the holiday with family and friends, remember that if not for the average citizen’s political engagement, the freedoms we celebrate today wouldn’t exist. We cannot take these freedoms for granted and we cannot dishonor the hard work that earned them for us.

Without a voice in the process, liberties will erode and the government will implement policies impacting your livelihood without any aviation safety justification. ARSA will fight for you, but needs your backing. When the association calls, unfurl the flags and take action.

Daniel B. Fisher
Vice President of Legislative Affairs

Keep up-to-date on the latest developments in the reauthorization debate at

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