EASA Ramp-Up Safety Week

To keep tabs on all of ARSA’s work related to the current pandemic, visit

As part of its support for industry “ramp up” of operations post pandemic, EASA will host a Safety Week from June 21-24. The agency will facilitate a series of online events for the public to discuss safety issues with aviation authorities. After a general discussion, each session will focus on particular segments of the aviation community:

  • ATM/ANS Providers
  • Aerodrome Operators
  • Training Organisations
  • Air Operators
  • Maintenance Organisations

Each session is limited to 1,000 registrants with initial priority given to EASA member state organizations operating in the relevant domain of the session. Beginning the week of June 14, available slots will be filled on a first come, first served basis. Session recordings will be available on the Safety Week event page within 24 hours of completion.

For more information, click here to visit the Safety Week event page.

Click the image to see the schedule.

8/25/20 - EASA Releases Virtual Classroom Guidance

August 25, 2020

On Aug. 18, EASA released guidance for allowing virtual classroom instruction and distance learning. The agency document is part of its Return to Normal Operations (RNO) work stream 1. Developed with input from Aircrew, Air Operations, ATCO, Continuing Airworthiness and Cabin Crew stakeholders, the guidelines provides general principles for all EASA approval holders overseeing knowledge and training requirements.

The guidelines cover basic principles and related requirements for distance learning, virtual classroom instruction and training feedback. To review the complete document, click here.

International Aviation Policy Resources for Pandemic Response

International Aviation Policy Resources for Pandemic Response

Note: This page includes links to the COVID-19 information pages maintained by each of the national aviation authorities linked below. To jump directly to updates from the FAA, EASA, the UK CAA, TCCA, ANAC Brazil and CASA, click the links in the headings below.

To provide ARSA with additional international resources, links or updates, contact Brett Levanto.

ICAO Information Portal







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