Support American Jobs for America’s Heroes

In 2016 tens of thousands of military service members will separate from duty, joining more than one million veterans already looking for full-time jobs.  Many employers, including ARSA members, can do more with the right networks and information to hire veterans, reservists and national guardsmen.

Center for America (CFA), a nonprofit, is conducting a national employer survey to identify the specific problems different industries – and geographic locations – have in recruiting military candidates.  To support this effort, CFA is collecting responses to a 10-minute online questionnaire. ARSA encourages its members to participate in this important work.

Click (or copy and paste) the address to begin:

Submissions are due by April 1. The association’s code – to be entered in the first question – is A442.

CFA has been coordinating the American Jobs for America’s Heroes national campaign for four years under a written agreement with the Army National Guard in Washington, DC. Please contact Steve Nowlan, president of Center for America and coordinator for the American Jobs for American Heroes campaign, with any questions or for free help with veteran recruiting. Steve can be reached at 201.513.0379 or A free copy of CFA’s Best Practices Guide for Veteran Hiring is available for download at at

Click here to download CFA’s guide to federal tax benefits for hiring and employing veterans.

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