ARC Seeks Input to Improve Regulations

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA, August 28, 2012 – The Consistency of Regulatory Interpretation Aviation Rulemaking Committee (ARC), an advisory group of aviation stakeholders working with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), is seeking the industry’s input on the agency’s consistency in the certification and approval process.

“A lack of consistent application of the regulation and guidance has long been a thorn in the aviation industry’s side. All aviation stakeholders must participate in this important effort,” said Sarah MacLeod, executive director of the Aeronautical Repair Station Association.

The industry stakeholder survey solicits feedback on how to improve oversight and enhance FAA efficiency. The online survey is available until Sept. 25 at

On Sept. 7 at 11:00 a.m. EDT, the ARC will host a webinar providing an update on its efforts and details on the industry stakeholder survey. Interested parties may register for the free webinar at:

“The lack of standardization on regulatory interpretations is costing both the FAA and industry dearly,” said ARC Chair Eric Beyer, vice president of government & industry affairs at the National Air Transportation Association. “We welcome input from all aviation industry stakeholders as we seek to formulate effective recommendations that will result in meaningful enhancements to the current regulatory processes.”

Mandated by the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (P.L. 112-95), the FAA established the ARC of government and industry representatives to address challenges in regulatory consistency, particularly in the certification and application processes. The ARC will develop recommendations and submit a final report to the FAA administrator by Dec. 31, 2012. The administrator is then required to submit the agency’s report on efforts to improve standardization to Congress by February 15, 2013.

ARSA is an Alexandria, Virginia-based trade association that represents aviation maintenance and manufacturing companies. Founded in 1984, the association has a distinguished record of advocating for repair stations, providing regulatory compliance assistance to the industry, and representing repair stations on Capitol Hill and in the media.

Jason Langford
Director of Communications
703 739 9543

~~~ posted 8/29/12 ~~~

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