ARSA Honors Neil R. Eisner

ARSA Honors Neil R. Eisner with the Leo Weston Award.

On Thursday, March 20th, 2014, ARSA Managing Director and General Council Marshall S. Filler presented the Leo Weston Award for Excellence in Government Service to Neil Eisner. The Weston Award, which was created in 2006, is given regularly by ARSA to individuals who have made a lasting impact on the practice of good government.

Eisner and Filler

Mr. Eisner retired in 2013 as the Assistant General Counsel for Regulation and Enforcement at the U.S. Department of Transportation. He played a major role in the creation of the first-of-its-kind the internet-accessible public docket as well as an innovative, intranet-based rule making management system. He is now an adjunct professor at American University’s Washington College of Law, and he has published multiple articles and presented numerous speeches in different forums on a variety of subjects.

Upon presenting the award to Mr. Eisner, Filler explained: “We present this award to Neil not [just] because he is a good friend, but because he is a staunch advocate of good government.”

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