ARSA on Lawson Confirmation: International Inspiration

WASHINGTON – The Aeronautical Repair Station Association (ARSA) issued the following statement regarding the United States Senate’s confirmation of Michael Lawson as the next U.S. Ambassador to the Council of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).

“Aviation inspires and breaks boundaries – we escape the hold of the earth and take flight across international borders,” said Sarah MacLeod, ARSA executive director. “Every nation must actively foster the expansion of global aviation. The Senate has taken the step of sending Ambassador Lawson to represent the United States at ICAO. ARSA stands behind him as we work to bring people of the world closer together by developing global aviation standards. You can’t take off without international maintenance providers, and they depend on trustworthy international representation to keep the industry soaring.”


ARSA is the only association devoted to the unique needs of the global civil aviation maintenance industry. We are dedicated to helping our member companies run their operations more efficiently and effectively, while continuing to ensure the safety of aircraft worldwide. To learn more about our dedicated work on behalf of both industry stakeholders and the flying public, please visit

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