ARSA Submits Recommended Changes to US – Canadian MIP and FAA AC 43-10B

ARSA submitted two letters to the FAA recommending changes to the U.S. – Canadian Maintenance Implementation Procedures (MIP) and AC 43-10B. In the first letter, ARSA identified the need for clarifying the reporting of major repairs and major alterations, noted inconsistencies with who is required to prepare a supplement, requested the MIP have a provision that would allow part 121 and 135 operators to perform maintenance for Canadian air carriers and documented that the appendix in the AC was not the officially approved MIP.

In the second letter, ARSA requested that the MIP be revised to make clear that only the procedures unique to Canada require approval. The letter also asks the FAA and the TCCA consider having the Canadian Supplement for U.S. repair stations be accepted rather than approved. Acceptance would be consistent with the FAA’s method for the EASA supplement and not impact safety.

Canadian MIP: Major Repairs and Alterations

Canadian MIP: Procedures Unique to Canada

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