ARSA Tells Congress to Do Its Job!

ALEXANDRIA, VIRGINIA – Aeronautical Repair Station Association Executive Director Sarah MacLeod released the following statement in response to Congress’ failure to work in a bipartisan manner to enact a new Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) authorization law:

“The impasse over FAA reauthorization is a result of bipartisan, congressional malpractice. Democrats and Republicans, from both chambers, have refused to stop bickering and expounding parochial interests to maintain the safest aviation system in the world.

“Unfortunately, the inability to enact FAA reauthorization legislation is costing the country real jobs. The FAA has furloughed about 4,000 workers and nearly 70,000 private sector employees are expecting layoffs; it is inexcusable.

“In 1958, a Democratic-controlled Congress created the FAA through the Federal Aviation Act, which was signed by Republican President Dwight Eisenhower. Congress must pass a new authorization or enact another extension without controversial policy riders. The failure of lawmakers to do their basic job—keep the government running—is costing livelihoods.”

ARSA’s legislative team is available to the media for comment and background on the FAA debate currently underway in Congress. To speak with a member of ARSA’s team, please contact Jason Langford, communications manager.

Jason Langford
Communications Manager
703 739 9543


ARSA is an Alexandria, Virginia-based trade association that represents aviation maintenance and manufacturing companies. Founded in 1984, the association has a distinguished record of advocating for repair stations, providing regulatory compliance assistance to the industry, and representing repair stations on Capitol Hill and in the media.

~~~ posted 08/01/11 ~~~

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