ARSA Wraps Up Busy Week on the Road

ARSA had a busy week on the road holding successful outreach meetings in Cleveland and Dallas, and presenting at the 2012 FAA/EASA Safety Conference.

On Monday, June 11, Component Repair Technologies sponsored an outreach meeting for Ohio and Lake Erie Region repair stations. ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod and ARSA Managing Director Marshall Filler provided the 25 attendees with an update on the of the Association’s legislative and regulatory activities for repair station.

While in Cleveland, Filler and MacLeod also attended the 2012 FAA/EASA Safety Conference. Filler served on a panel moderated by European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Deputy Certification Director Frederic Copigneaux on implementing the airworthiness initiatives in the U.S./E.U. Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA). MacLeod examined the BASA’s maintenance provisions on a panel moderated by the FAA’s Director of Flight Standards John Allen.

On Thursday June 14, ARSA Executive Vice-President Christian Klein attended an ARSA outreach meeting in Dallas sponsored by BBA Aviation. Klein provided the 36 attendees with an update on ARSA’s recent legislative and regulatory advocacy efforts on behalf of repair stations. Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson (D-Texas) shared an insider’s view on legislative action in Washington while recognizing the industry’s important role in creating jobs and economic opportunity.

~~~ posted 6/19/12 ~~~

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