Brett Levanto

ARSA Seeks Drug and Alcohol Exemption

On Nov. 21, 2008 ARSA submitted a Petition for Exemption from Title 14 CFR part 121, appendices I & J, Anti-Drug and Alcohol (D&A) Misuse Prevention Programs, to the Federal…Read More

ARSA Responds to EASA ICA Letter

On Nov. 6, ARSA sent a letter to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) rebutting the agency’s position on type-certificate (TC) holders’ provision of Instructions for Continued Airworthiness (ICA) to…Read More

Court Order Extends Drug/Alcohol Rule Compliance Date 10 Days To Oct. 20

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit on October 11 issued an interim order (.pdf) that pushes back the new FAA drug & alcohol testing rule’s…Read More

the hotline

ARSA’s monthly publication, the hotline, is devoted to regulatory compliance in aircraft design, production and maintenance. It reaches readers in hundreds of member companies including certificated repair stations, manufacturers, air…Read More

Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Regulations

On December 12, 2003, the President signed into law the Vision 100—Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act. Section 611 of the Act requires TSA to “issue final regulations to ensure the…Read More