Brett Levanto
ARSA Testimony on Contract Maintenance, Audit Survey Results
November 17, 2005 | Categories:
ARSA News & Updates
On November 17, 2005, Christian A. Klein, ARSA’s Legislative Counsel, presented testimony before the Aviation Subcommittee of the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee.
The hearing focused on aviation safety.…Read More
Update: ARSA Asks FAA to Amend Hazmat Training Rule
November 07, 2005 | Categories:
The FAA has issued a final rule on hazardous materials (hazmat) training requirements. The rule affects Part 121 and Part 135 operators and persons working for or on behalf of…Read More
Parts 121 and 145: ATOS Guidance on the Air Carrier/Maintenance Provider Relationship
HBAW 05-07A, Enhanced Repair Station & Air Carrier Oversight Program The FAA recently released updates to a series of Handbook Bulletins containing the framework for applying a new risk-based oversight…Read MoreSurvey Reveals Gaps in Inspector Training
September 01, 2005 | Categories:
A new Government Accountability Office (GAO) report (GAO 05-728) examines FAA efforts to ensure that its inspectors receive adequate technical training needed to do their jobs. It includes a GAO…Read More