Brett Levanto

Draft Fabrication AC Needs to Wait on ICA ARC

On Aug. 1, 21 representatives of the Instructions for Continued Airworthiness Aviation Rulemaking Committee requested the FAA withdraw Draft Advisory Circular 43-18A. The group’s letter to Associate Administrator for Aviation…Read More

Quick Question – Who’s Driving?

ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod recently saw Pixar’s Inside Out, so the association’s team has been reflecting on how its core emotions – Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, and Fear –…Read More

ARSA Remembers – Ronald “RC” Craig Cannady (1936-2024)

Ronald Craig “RC” Cannady, past ARSA president and mentor to executive director Sarah MacLeod, died at his Georgia home on July 25. He was 88. Born in Georgia, RC spent…Read More

Repairman History Points ARAC to Certificate’s Future

On July 19, the FAA Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Committee (ARAC) delivered the final report of its Repairman Certificate Portability Working Group to FAA Rulemaking Executive Director Brandon Roberts after its…Read More

Poring Over MAG Change 9

NOTE: ARSA has prepared cross-reference matrices for compliance with the special conditions and assistance with the supplement guidance in MAG change 9. The matrices include “red-lined” versions showing edits between…Read More