Brett Levanto

Quick Question – Foreign Drug and Alcohol Testing

The FAA has followed a congressional mandate to issue a proposed rule requiring safety sensitive employees in foreign repair stations to be tested for drug and alcohol use under the…Read More

ARSA, AEA Point to History with Joint MOSAIC Comments

On Jan. 22, ARSA and the Aircraft Electronics Association jointly submitted comments on the FAA’s Modernization of Special Airworthiness Certification (MOSAIC) proposal. The associations referenced multiple past rulemaking efforts as…Read More

Public Aircraft “Decision Tree” [30 Minute Training, On-demand]

PAO Decision Tree Public Aircraft Law & Policy into Practice This session provides participants with a tool for determining applicability of public aircraft policy to aircraft operations. It is targeted…Read More

ARSA Appointed to Aerospace Supply Chain Task Force

On Dec. 11, the U.S. Department of Transportation published a notice of its establishment of an Aerospace Supply Chain Resiliency Task Force. ARSA Executive Director Sarah MacLeod was selected as…Read More

ARSA Working – CAAC Certifications and D&A Rulemaking

As of Dec. 7, the association is working two key issues related to international maintenance oversight: (1) ARSA has received numerous queries from members related to a notice from the…Read More