
New Legislation to Micromanage FAA

Rep. Michael Burgess (R-Texas) introduced the Airline Maintenance Safety Act (H.R. 6002), which would require individuals authorized to approve “covered work” for return to service outside the United States on…Read More

Huerta Faces Confirmation Panel for Top FAA Spot

On June 21, the Senate Commerce, Science & Transportation Committee considered Michael Huerta’s nomination to serve as the next FAA administrator. The panel grilled Huerta on air traffic controller oversight,…Read More

TSA Responds to Congressional Inquiry on Foreign Repair Station Ban

The Transportation Security Agency (TSA) is diligently working toward completion of the long-awaited repair station security rule, according to the agency’s response to correspondence from House Transportation Security Subcommittee Chairman…Read More

ARSA, Associations Educate Congress About Proposed Federal Employee Travel Restrictions

ARSA recently joined nearly a thousand organizations urging Congress to modify proposals that would severely restrict government employee attendance at meetings and conferences hosted by associations. As drafted, the language…Read More

House Penalizes DHS for TSA’s Inaction

On June 7, the House sent a clear signal that the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) failure to finalize a repair station security rule is unacceptable when it approved the fiscal…Read More