ARSA Tells Congress to Complete FAA Reauthorization Bill
ALEXANDRIA, VA, December 5, 2011 – The uncertainty created by Congress’ failure to pass a new, multiyear reauthorization bill for the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is wreaking havoc on the…Read MoreHouse Approves Regulatory Reform Bills
The House approved two bills that contain significant reforms to the federal regulatory process to reduce burdens on job creators, particularly small businesses. Approved by a Dec. 1 vote of…Read MoreARSA Urges TSA on Security Rules
November 22, 2011 | Categories:
Aviation Policy, Legislative
On Nov. 22, ARSA told the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) that its long-term failure to issue repair station security rules is hindering growth and job creation in the aviation maintenance…Read More
TSA Inaction is Hurting Growth, ARSA tells Senate Panel
November 08, 2011 | Categories:
Aviation Policy, Legislative
“The congressionally-imposed ban on the Federal Aviation Administration’s ability to certificate new foreign repair stations is having a stifling impact on the aviation maintenance industry, ARSA told the Senate Homeland…Read More