ARSA Works

FAA Builds Reasonable, Flexible UAS Framework

On June 21, the FAA announced the first operational rules for routine commercial use of small unmanned aircraft systems (sUAS). The rule, which has since been published in the Federal…Read More

ARSA Asks FAA to Release Association’s Working Away Advisory

On May 23, ARSA requested the FAA issue an advisory circular on the ability of a repair station to work away from its fixed location. To assist in this effort,…Read More

ARSA Works: FAA Policy Jeopardizes AD Compliance

On April 29, ARSA requested the FAA revise a legal interpretation regarding second and third-tier documents that are purportedly incorporated by reference (IBR’d) in an airworthiness directive (AD). ARSA’s letter…Read More

ARSA to FAA: Starting on the Same Page through Training Access

On April 20, ARSA submitted a letter to the directors of the Flight Standards and Aircraft Certification Services requesting development of criteria for agency personnel to use when determining whether…Read More

It’s Time to Audit the FAA’s Quality Manual

The aviation industry lives and breathes by audits and a quality manual is the bible for a maintenance organization. Whether conducted internally, by outside certification organizations or the FAA, audits…Read More