ARSA Works

30 Years of ARSA: Still Sexy

In 1993’s special symposium edition of the hotline, executive director Sarah MacLeod declared regulations “sexy at last!” It was a month of firsts – the first Sarah Says celebrated the…Read More

30 Years of ARSA

In October of 1984, the board of directors for the Aeronautical Repair Station Association convened for its inaugural meeting. Industry representatives worked with the fledgling staff to define a set…Read More

Washington to [Another] Washington – MacLeod at Airline E&M

On Sept. 25, Sarah MacLeod showed the aviation maintenance industry how to safely navigate an increasingly-hazardous regulatory environment. MacLeod, ARSA’s executive director and managing member at the law firm of…Read More

FAA Agrees: Line Maintenance can be Major

In a quick turnaround, the Aircraft Maintenance Division responded within two days to ARSA’s question about airframe-rated repair stations with line maintenance authorization performing major repairs and alterations. The agency…Read More

FAA Answers ARSA, A4A on Alternative MTP

On June 13, ARSA joined Airlines for America (A4A) to ask for clarification regarding the use of methods, techniques or practices (MTP) developed by air carriers and maintenance providers. The…Read More